The program has a new website, please visit our new website here:
Inspired by Polymath Jr. Program, Vietnam-Polymath-REU aims to provide Vietnamese undergraduate students with the training, skills, and information needed to succeed in the next step of their careers.
There will be three main components in this program: Mini-courses, Research, and Mentoring. First, we will offer a series of mini-courses that aim to help students build a deeper background in a variety of mathematical topics. After this phase, students will enter the research phase where they work on a series of accessible research problems. During this second phase, each student will work under the supervision of an active and experienced mentor from Vietnam or abroad. These mentors will provide the students with guidance and support throughout their projects. Additionally, students will have a chance to learn more about graduate schools, academic life, and get advice on how to go through the Phd/Master application process. Furthermore, there will be a monthly one-day meeting where students can present their current progress to the whole team. We expect the mentorship to be long-lasting and students can always request recommendation letters from their mentors.
Tentative plan:
Accept applications: 5 August to 27 August 2023
Interview: 28-31 August 2023
Mini-courses: 1-30 September 2023
Research phase: October 2023-October 2024
REU workshop at VIASM: July 2024
Note that the whole program will take place online via Zoom.
To apply: Please fill out this form by August 27, 2023.
Please visit our new website here:
For any questions, please don't hesitate to contact one of the following organizers:​
Thomas Koberda:
Anh Tu Nguyen:
Tho Tung Nguyen:
Thang Pham:
Tuan Tran:
List of projects for 2023-2024
Topic 1: Random walks on Cayley graphs and unimodular random graphs.
Topic 2: The Tiling Conjecture.
Topic 3: Prime orthogeodesics in the truncated thrice-punctured sphere.
Topic 4: LOT groups and the Whitehead Conjecture.
Topic 5: Incidence Geometry.
Topic 6: On the structure and realizability of some reconfiguration graphs.
Topic 7: Period collapse phenomena in characteristic quasi-polynomials.
Topic 8: AI for Science.
Topic 9: The finite field sum-product problem and related questions (for a group of 8 students).
Topic 10: Polynomial methods and applications.

Tu Nguyen
(Vietnam National University, HCM)

Tung T. Nguyen (Western University and Onepick Inc, USA)

Thang Pham
(Vietnam National University, Hanoi)

Tuan Tran
(University of Science and Technology of China)
2023-2024 mentors

Ben Hayes
University of Virginia
Operator Algebras, Ergodic Theory, Measured Group Theory, Sofic Groups

Sang-Hyun Kim
Korea Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS)
Geometric Group Theory,
Low-dimensional Topology

Thomas Koberda
University of Virginia
Geometric Group Theory, Logic
Geometric Topology, Dynamical Systems.

Tu Nguyen
Vietnam National University, HCM

Thang Pham
VNU University of Science, Hanoi
Discrete Geometry, Additive Combinatorics, Geometric Measure Theory.

Ser Peow Tan
National University of Singapore
Low-dimensional Topology, Geometric Structures, Representation Varieties, and Dynamics of Group Actions.

Thomas Koberda
University of Virginia

Tu Nguyen
Vietnam National University, HCM

Tung T. Nguyen
Western University

Thang Pham
Vietnam National University, Hanoi

Tuan Tran
University of Science and Technology of China
Program Assistant

Quy Pham
University of Rochester
2022-2023 mentors

Debsoumya Chakraborti
(Institute for Basic Science, Korea)
His research interest lies in Extremal Combinatorics, Probabilistic Combinatorics, Random Graphs, Discrete Probability, Discrete Geometry.

Doowon Koh
(Chungbuk National University, Korea)
He is currently working on geometric measure theory with an emphasis on restriction/extension theory and the Falconer distance conjecture.

Tu Nguyen
(Vietnam National University, HCM)
He is currently working on partial differential equations.

Thang Pham
(Vietnam National University, Hanoi)
He is currently working on Discrete Geometry, Additive Combinatorics, and Geometric Measure Theory.

Steven Senger
(Missouri State University, USA)
He is currently working on Geometric combinatorics, Additive number theory, and Swarm intelligence.

Chun-Yen Shen
(National Taiwan University)
He is currently working on Additive Combinatorics, Harmonic Analysis and Geometric Measure Theory.

Casey Tompkins
(Renyi Institute of Mathematics, Hungary)
He works in extremal combinatorics. A major topic of his research is finding hypergraph generalizations of classical results in graph theory.

Tuan Tran
(University of Science and Technology of China)
His research interests include Extremal and Probabilistic Combinatorics, Ramsey Theory, and Additive Combinatorics.
List of participants for 2022-2023
1. Vo Minh Quan (Vietnam National University, HCM)
Mentors: S. Senger and T. Pham
Topic: Discrete Geometry
2. Nguyen Mac Nam Trung (Vietnam National University, HCM)
Mentors: D. Koh and T. Pham
Topic: Restriction Theory
3. Sung-Yi Liao (National Taiwan University)
Mentors: A. Mohammadi and C-Y. Shen
Topic: Additive Combinatorics
4. Ha Minh Dung (Hanoi University of Science and Technology)
Mentors: A. Mohammadi and C-Y. Shen
Topic: Additive Combinatorics
5. Nguyen Pham Minh Tri (Ho Chi Minh University of Education)
Mentors: T. Pham and D. Cheong
Topic: Algebraic methods in Combinatorics
6. Truong Tuan Nghia (Vietnam National University, Hanoi)
Mentor: C. Tompkins
Topic: Extremal set theory
7. Nguyen Phung Nguyen (Hanoi National University of Education)
Mentor: C. Tompkins
Topic: Extremal set theory
8. Nguyen Ba Khoi Nguyen (Vietnam National University, HCM)
Mentors: T. Tran, C. Tompkins
Topic: Extremal set theory
9. Nguyen Minh Chau (Hanoi National University of Education)
Mentors: D. Chakraborti, T. Tran
Topic: Extremal hypergraph theory
10. Bui Ngoc Huy (Ho Chi Minh University of Education)
Mentor: T. Nguyen
Topic: PDE theory
11. Nguyen Thu Huyen (Fulbright University, HCM)
Mentors: T. Pham and S. Senger
Topic: Combinatorics and Learning theory
12. Vu Thi Thu Trang (University of Maryland)
Mentors: Q. Pham
Topic: Additive Combinatorics.
Mini-courses for 2022-2023
Week 1 (5/9-11/9)
Casey: 8/9, 21:00-22:30
Or open Google Meet apps and enter this code (the last part of the link): iic-cfkz-ywf
Lecture 1: Sperner-type theorems.
Tuan: 9/9, 19:00-20:30
Lecture 1: Introduction. Oddtown theorem.
Thang: 11/9, 15:00-16:00
Lecture 1: Incidence Geometry and Applications.
Week 2 (12/9-18/9)
Deb: 12/9, 19:00-20:30
Lecture 1: Intersecting families. Erdos-Ko-Rado theorem.
Casey: 15/9, 21:00-22:30
Lecture 2: Fobidding posets, basic results.
Tuan: 16/9, 19:00-20:30
Lecture 2: Sets with restricted intersections
Deb: 18/9, 14:00-15:30
Lecture 2: Cross-intersecting families. Triangle-maximization.
Week 3 (19/9-25/9)
Casey: 22/9, 21:00-22:30
Lecture 3: Applications of Bollobas and Double counting estimates.
Tuan: 23/9, 19:00-20:30
Lecture 3: Applications of intersection theorems. Graham-Pollak theorem.
Deb: 25/9, 14:00-15:30
Lecture 3: Kruskal-Katona theorem, Shifting technique.
Thang: 25/9, 08:00-09:00
Lecture 2: Incidence geometry and applications
Week 4 (26/9-02/10)
Casey: 29/9, 21:00-22:30
Lecture 4: The partition method
Tuan: 30/9, 19:00-20:30
Lecture 4: Variants of Graham-Pollak. Open problems.
Deb: 02/10, 14:00-15:30
Lecture 4: Clique-maximization with bounded degree